Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution 12 Review

As a blogger, with my own column, I can attest how important it is to have a professional image/layout for you site. I have been lucky, in my transition from Tumblr to WordPress; I was able to find a free theme to meet my needs, though many are not. One issue with free themes for … More Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution 12 Review

Save2PC Review

Consumption of media has dramatically changed, in the last twenty years. We have gone from watching television on cable, antenna or satellite, to watching a cacophony of genres, including music videos, television programs, to the latest movies released, online. The bulk of media consumed is found through streaming of content on the Internet, from sites … More Save2PC Review

Password Boss Review:

In today’s world, online security is a paramount concern. As more and more of our lives move online, keeping our identities away from prying eyes and grifter thieves, means we need to make very secure passwords.  This is further complicated by needing to make unique and diversified passwords that are only used at one location/site. … More Password Boss Review: